There is nothing better than taking or walk or hike before retreating home to a hot chocolate in front of the fire. But how do you make the most of your walks at this time of year and make sure you are prepared for the things the winter months might throw at you? Read for our best tips and advice on taking a winter wonder this year.
The Best Places to walk
Any walk can be rewarding, and you will be sure to come home feeling energised and refreshed, but where are the best places to visit this time of year? With a lot of the leaves having dropped from the trees in the winter months, a lot of people tend to shift their walks from forests to more mountainous or riverside areas. In these places you can not only enjoy interesting and adventurous trails, but you will also be met with fantastic views or crystal-clear rivers cutting their way through the landscape.
Depending on where you choose to walk you may find yourself met with snow or icy trails, these of course can be very beautiful and peaceful to walk, however you should always make sure to allow for more slippery surfaces by wearing appropriate footwear and clothing.
Preparation is key when walking at this time of year, whether you are considering where to walk, when to walk, what to wear and things to take with you. If you are prepared, you should always remain safe and have a more enjoyable experience overall.
Deciding where to walk is obviously an important consideration, this will be affected by your location and the type of walking you want to do. Those who wish to have a more challenging walking experience can opt for more mountainous trails where they may encounter rough and uneven terrain and varying slope gradients. For a more relaxing walk you should ensure the walk is on flatter terrain and the path you take is well used. This will usually be paths which follow rivers as they usually have more gentle slopes and smoother terrain overall.

To decide the best time to go for a walk you should try to stay up to date with the weather, local to where you will be walking. Try to avoid walking in locations after heavy rainfall as this may result in paths being less stable, and prone to collapse - this is especially important in mountainous areas. If temperatures are low, you should wear footwear with more grip in case you encounter icy surfaces or snow along your route. With the unpredictable nature of weather this time of year, try to make sure you have a good understand of the weather for the whole day you plan to walk, just in case your walk takes slightly longer than planned. This way you know what conditions to expect.
Taking the Right Kit
A large part of preparing for a walk in the winter is choosing the right clothing and kit to take with you. The most important factor to consider is the warmth of your clothing. It should be warm enough to keep you sufficiently warm while you are not moving. You can always remove clothing if you get too hot while walking, however if you find yourself in a situation where you have to remain still for a period of time you will need clothing which sustains your body temperature. This will most likely consist of a hat, scarf, thick & windproof coat, various layers under this, a thermal vest, gloves, thermal trousers, and thick socks with appropriate footwear. If you have recently purchased new clothing, you should try and wear it beforehand to test whether it is enough to keep you warm before going on a long walk in cold conditions. The main thing to keep in mind when choosing your clothing is that it is best to always to have slightly more than you need, than to have less!
Taking kit with you is also a great way of making sure you do not find yourself in a sticky situation. You should always make sure you take enough water to last you for the entire time you are walking, plus a little extra just in case things take longer than expected. If you are planning to go on a more challenging trail it is always a good idea to take a first aid kit and maybe some hiking poles to help you in the more difficult areas. Rope is also a very handy tool to have at hand, it is surprising how useful it can be in a variety of situations while hiking. From a makeshift belt, to a lifeline if there are any accidents, ropes take up a very small amount of room while providing a huge number of benefits in emergency situations.

Buddy Up!
As peaceful as walking can be at this time of year, it does pose more risks than walking in warmer conditions. For this reason, we recommend always trying to walk with someone else, especially if you are going on more hazardous trails. This way you wont only have someone to talk to, but if there are any problems one of you can always call for assistance and one can help the other out!